Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Me N My Friends

I have 4 bestfriends, and I love them so much. Tweety, Dawana, Samira, and Tahira. They are the closet things to me from family. They relate to me on so many levels its ridiculous. I think we are meant to be sisters. (But maybe in another world.) I have shared so much with these girls. We have cried together and the whole nine yards. I cant really think of anything to say right now because they put me in a soft spot. When I think of them I think of all the times we shared together, and try to picture our future plans. They are some of the people that makes my life complete. I love you girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Something not very many people know about me is........

One thing not many people know about me is I am a very sensitive person. I have a very strong pride but sometimes that gets in my way and I become sensitive. I take alot of things to the heart and people dont know that about me.( I know some of the people that know me are saying they didn't know that about me.) But its o.k. I don't feel bad about it at all. It's just that I have to show people that Tenisha don't take too much from anybody but at the same time I do have a HEART.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The worst thing a parent can do to a child is.......

The worst thing a parent can do to their child is abuse and neglect them. A child needs company all the time , and a parent should make it their first priority to be there for them. By not having a parent around the child could make some bad mistakes in their life. I know people should learn from their mistakes but a parent should be there to help them through their problems. Another if you abuse your child all the time , that can mess them up for life.