Friday, January 30, 2009

How To Cure A Broken Heart

First off, I want to say how painful it is to have your heart broken. It feels like you have no purpose anymore because oyu lost your betterhalf. Then when someone brings up that persons name you think back on the never ending relationship. But after a while you have to learn to let go. You first start off by erasing that persons' name out of your phone, and mind. Next, you get familiar with not being with that someone anymore. When you see that person you act like you don't. Then when he's with her you talk to somone around you to let them know life still goes on without them. That's so funny to me because when you first break up it seems like a glass has bee shattered. Then, I can give so good of advice, but I'm curing my hear right now. I know the time will come. But, it does not happen over night. Lastly, don't go places where you know he will be. Even if you all have the same friends. You have to fall back for a minute because all of your memories will fill your heart again.

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