Monday, February 9, 2009

Strange Substitue

Freshmen year there was a substitute in my English class. So, that could only mean "PLAY TIME!" I say that because when my teacher was there we did alot of work. So, it was our time to have fun. Anyways, we come in the class, and there was this little elderly lady sitting at the desk smiling. But, when the doors closed, and we were still a little loud, she went off! She just started hollering, and saying things like" what the heck is wrong with you children, ya'll act like you don't have parents at home! Are they on Crack?" We were so stunned, we didn't know what to do. So, just like regular H.S student we started laughing, and saying things back to her. Then, there was this one boy that didn't like her because she had got him suspended in the past. So, the gatorade he was drinking he untwisted the top of it, and launched it at her. When it hit her was so shocked. she just sat there for a minute. Then, she went back in her crazy mode, and started hollering"SECURITY!" Next thing you know mostly all the teachers on the first floor were running down there to see the problem. But, at the end of thatperiod we left, and none of us got in trouble.

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